Aging With Grace

In a conversation earlier this year, my husband mentioned that we would be people “of a certain age” this year.  We are reaching our mid-thirties and thinking about the years ahead as well as the ones we’ve already lived.  In all honesty, my thirties have been my best decade so far, so I can’t wait to see what’s ahead!

I have to laugh when I think about my reaction a few weeks ago when I thought I saw a grey hair! My heart skipped a beat and I did a double take. Nick was driving and I was in the passenger seat as I went on a frantic search for that one strand! It was just a false alarm (whew!), but it made me laugh at my own vanity! My Great-Nana had beautiful, thick, brown hair until the day she died. I’ve always hoped I would receive that gene! My mom is more and more beautiful each day and looks more like my sister than my mother. Again, I’m hoping for the same. I’d love to age that gracefully!

I just want to remember…

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

As I begin this new season in my life, I want to continue in grace. I want to love people well, help where I can, and be a blessing to those I meet. Life is too short to fight the aging process or struggle with vanity. Live each day as if it were your last.  Embrace it! We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so walk in grace and make a difference while you’re here!

This post in response to the Daily Prompt