Wedding Drama

Previously published on 6/18/13

Who doesn’t like a good drama? As Americans, we spend billions of dollars every year going to the movies. We all have our favorite shows on TV, and the ever-increasing flow of reality shows give us 24 hour access to many varieties of intrigue and suspense. As humans, I think part of us is drawn to witness struggle and strife, especially when it doesn’t involve us.

Major life events and large gatherings of people are often breeding grounds for drama. There are many expectations to meet, some of which are never expressed. Different backgrounds and sometimes cultures must be considered and balanced. Emotions are heightened and pressures increased. Weddings are a prime example.

We have been very blessed to have little tension in our wedding planning. We each have the blessings of our parents, brothers and sisters. Our closest friends have rallied around to celebrate this joy for which we have waited so long. But, I’ve been surprised at a lesson The Lord has been teaching me along this journey. He’s been showing me the real meaning of “family”.

There are some people in my “blood” family who are choosing not to celebrate with us. In fact, some of them have done and said some hurtful things. It caught me off guard because I had an expectation that those who had seen the pain of my journey most intimately would be the ones to rejoice most exuberantly when God’s purpose was revealed. It has been disappointing to learn differently.

But, God the Father, is so faithful. For every person in my extended family who chooses to ignore or attack us, two or three members of the family of God rise to the occasion. I have been more blessed in this season than any other because of the outpouring of love, support and genuine celebration from my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am surrounded and bolstered by joy and generosity that overwhelms me. And, it has shown me the truth.

This place is not our home. We are told that we are strangers and aliens here. We are passing through until the Father calls us to Heaven. So, these earthly ties of blood and family are not what will last for eternity. Don’t get me wrong, when your “blood” family is also part of the family of God, it is one of the sweetest things imaginable. And, The Lord grouped us in earthly families to refine us, give us others to love and support, and prepare us for Heaven. It is His desire that we all come to know Him, believe in His Son and be adopted into His family.

“…God sent His Son…to redeem those who were under the law so that we might receive adoption as sons…so, you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God” – Galatians 4:4-7

Is your earthly family disappointing you? Have you felt unloved, abandoned or abused? There is hope. There is peace. There is room for you in the family of God. Find rescue and solace in a community of believers. You may be surprised how much healing you find there.

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